How long do you want to live?

Have you ever thought about that? If you feel like you want to live to 90 years old, then the last decade of your life (80-90) is what Dr. Peter Attia labels as your “marginal decade”. 

How you live out and experience those last 10 years is a direct result of the choices you made and actions you took during the previous 79 years!  Ask yourself: “In my last decade of life, how do I want to be living and experiencing life?” 

Do you want to be active, play golf, travel to visit friends and family? Or, do you want to be in a nursing home, being cared for by others until you pass?  What you decide to do now plays a significant role in how that last part of your life plays out.

Now is the time for practicing prevention, not at age 75 or 80. Prevention is action, the taking of steps, to avoid or delay the onset of a condition or disease.

Imagine being able to take control of your health? To work with a provider that can guide you toward your best health!

Are you concerned about conditions like Parkinson’s Disease and Diabetes?  Research is showing us that most heath  conditions or illnesses are related to a lack of physical activity and unhealthy lifestyle.

While your genes do play a small role in determining the health of the future you, making better choices, having better habits and staying fit and active are key ingredients to preventing health concerns and living a long, fruitful and productive life.

Having a Primary Care Provider that knows you, listens to you and can guide you on your journey to optimal health is key to a long, healthy life!


All the literature shows that having a routine, annual physical plays a large role in sustaining and maintaining a high performance lifestyle. Working side by side with your Primary Care Provider can ensure that you are taking all the steps necessary to stay well. 

Having regular blood work done to understand how well your body is functioning, handling stress and recovering from life should be a part of everyone's health care protocols.

Our Providers promote being active in addressing your basic nutritional needs

Nutrients lacking in our diets, like calcium, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids and Vit D, are associated with a wide variety of health concerns.

The COVID-19 virus exposed just how important Vit D is in maintaining health when researchers announced a common indicator for poor outcomes for COVID-19 infection was Vit D deficiency. Proper nutritional supplementation is a cornerstone in our goal of preventing health problems. 

Your provider can coach you through creating an optimal nutritional and supplementation strategy to meet your current and long-term health goals including adding IV Nutrition Therapy and Intramuscular Nutrition injections that help boost congnition, immune function and detoxification.

We can help you develop a personalized health plan based on your DNA.

And lastly, regarding prevention: your health is ultimately an expression of your genetic potential.  Genes within you are turned off and turned on by a variety of circumstances including your environment, your habits, your stress level and your nutrition.

Through the company 3x4 Genetics we can submit a sample of your DNA and getting a detailed report that helps guide us and you in making healthier choices.  The 3X4 report gives us insight into what foods you should eat more of and those that you should avoid. It gives us insight into what type of exercise does your body respond the best too: lifting weights or running, for instance. And, it helps understand where you may have some potential issues in the future so that we can get a head start on making the appropriate changes. 

The process is simple. Swab your cheek. Submit the specimen. Get the report and start making positive changes in your life!

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