In this month’s supplement spotlight, I’d like to introduce a true wellness product, Dynamic Fruits & Greens. With the advent of functional medicine, holistic practitioners are using more and more supplements to correct imbalances in the metabolic processes of patients. The result is supplementation being used similar to pharmaceuticals, to aid in the recovery of specific conditions.
Dynamic Fruits & Greens is no such product. Instead, it is a superfood that, in one serving, provides the nutrients of 30+ servings of fruits and vegetables. It is a super blend of 100% natural, whole food derivatives of vitamins, enzymes, minerals, probiotics and anti-oxidants. This specific blend of superfoods is vital in providing support for digestive health, creating a healthy gut biome, alkalizing the body all while supporting cellular repair and longevity.
I recommend Dynamic Fruits & Greens as a daily food supplement. Simply mix one scoop of the product with 8 oz of cold water and enjoy. The variety of flavors available is incredible. I’ve been using this product long enough to remember when it tasted like cut grass. That’s no joke. Now, with flavors like chocolate and pink lemonade, this incredibly healthy superfood is much more enjoyable to use. It is also available in single serving sticks that makes taking it on the go a snap.
Even though there are no stimulates or caffeine in the blend, many of my patients admit to having an energy boost when using this product. Another comment is that people notice a stronger immune system. Several families have noted that using this product prevents the sickness and colds that roam through schools from coming home to their house. While I have no specific research to support these claims, I have heard it enough and seen it enough to believe it to be true.
Click the link to take a look at Dynamic Fruits & Greens.