As we upgrade our model of care, many of our patients will be spending more time in The Studio working on mobility, activation exercises, stability exercises and strengthening exercises. Current research is showing that when chiropractic care is combined with active care, patient results and patient satisfaction increase. By including active care strategies in your treatment, our goal is to teach you how to move properly, improve coordination and posture, and, ultimately, help you to stay strong and fit for the prevention of future problems. Some of our patients are choosing to continue to work on their fitness with individualized personal training sessions with Ryan, our trainer. The benefits to working with a trainer are numerous and here are my top 3:
- Motivation: working with a trainer keeps you moving forward toward your goals and helps to limit plateaus, keeping you motivated by seeing results. We know that not everyone feels like working out everyday and having a trainer by your side will definitely improve your workout intensity and success.
- Accountability: having someone by your side, not letting the excuses hold you back, is a huge benefit. Let’s face it, we all have busy lives and struggle to find time to add anything to our schedule. That being said, working with a trainer is one key to sticking with a program and to getting results.
- Improve your skill: having a trainer coach you through movement, fixing issues and improving your techniques insures better results as well as reduces the risk for injury. As your skill and proficiency improves, so does your confidence. And, with confidence, now you can transfer those skills to any training environment and workout on your own.
Working with our trainer through a 6 or 8 week program will have a significant impact on your ability to exercise with quality movement and confidence in knowing what you are doing. It is our intention to introduce our clients to as many movements and exercises as possible, instruct them on the proper and safe execution of those movements and finally, give them the confidence to walk into any training facility and know what to do.
We offer a variety of options for personal training and have seen the best, most consistent results when clients start with 2 sessions a week. The key to starting any fitness program is to avoid overwhelm and limit muscular soreness. Jumping right into a 5 day workout plan can have huge negative consequences. To learn more about the Studio and personal training, visit our website!