Welcome back for another Weekend Workout. I sure hope you have been enjoying trying something new each weekend as we introduce you to our style of training. For this week’s workout you will need 2 weighted objects, like kettlebells, dumbells or gallon jugs of water. For a complete video demonstration of this workout, check out our Facebook page .

17:00 clock counting down from 17:00 to 0

Perform the following exercises in order, as many times as you can during the 17 minutes

10 RDL

5/5 Split Squat to OH Press

10/10 Step up to Hi Knee

5/5 Renegade Row

REST 2 Min then…

15 Burpee Split Squats

Rest 1 min then…

12 Burpee Split Squats

Rest :30 then..

8 Burpee Split squats

Keep your weight light for this workout as your goal is to get through the movements as many times as you can. If you’re not familiar with the movement, again, check out the video on our FB Page. Good luck!